Privacy Policy

Last Update: 01 October 2024

The following Privacy Policy or Personal Data Protection Terms apply to the use of any facilities, features, services, or services found on the website (“Site”) managed by us, PT Kreasi Anak Indonesia (“We”/“Company”), including the use of any services provided by the Company through the Site (“Services”). You agree to the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, or any processing of information by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data and Information Collection

In using the Site or Services, You may be asked to provide certain data. This data may include Your name, age, address, occupation, and other personal information.

From time to time, the Company may collect information and data about You, including information and data:

  • provided by You or by anyone authorized by You;
  • in connection with each of Your visits to our Site; and
  • from other third parties authorized by you and publicly available sources including FDC - AFPI and Credit Information Management Institution (LPIP).

Company’s Right to Store Data

In addition to data that indicates Your identity, the Company may also store data from every site, program, or facility You download through, or using the available facilities, on the Site or provided through the Services.

The Company reserves the right to collect and store the aforementioned data and keep it for a certain period in accordance with applicable laws.

Use of Personal Data

You fully understand that by participating as a Lender, You may provide, or be asked to provide, Your personal data to Partners, Financing Recipients, or parties related to the Financing Recipients who have a legitimate interest in obtaining the data solely for Project purposes (“Related Parties”). In this case, You understand that the Company cannot fully supervise the use of Your data by Partners, Financing Recipients, or Related Parties who have the data.

The Company will ensure that Partners, Financing Recipients, or Related Parties only have access to data necessary to be communicated to Partners, Financing Recipients, or parties related to the Financing Recipients, but the Company is not responsible for any misuse of the data by Partners, Financing Recipients, or Related Parties. Therefore, You agree not to file any claims and acknowledge that the Company has no responsibility for the misuse of the data You provide by Partners, Financing Recipients, or Related Parties.

Personal Data and Credit Reference Agencies

The Company may, on its own and/or as Your agent, provide relevant information and data about You and Relevant Individuals to credit reference agencies for the purpose of updating Your credit records in the customer credit database of such agencies. In this regard, the relevant information and data about You and Relevant Individuals will be related to the Product(s) and/or Service(s) held or used by You and Relevant Individuals (whether as a borrower, grantor of security, guarantor, or provider of collateral, and whether in Your name and the name of Relevant Individuals themselves or jointly with others) and this information and data will include: full name; capacity in relation to the Product (as borrower, grantor of security, guarantor, or provider of collateral, and whether in their own name or jointly with others); identification number (e.g., identity card number, passport, or ID); date of birth;

correspondence address; account or reference number regarding each Product; type of Product held and/or used; account status (e.g., active, closed, deleted (except for bankruptcy decisions), deleted due to bankruptcy decisions); payment trends and status (e.g., full or partial payments, currently or at the end of the period); account closure date, if any, regarding each Product; Product usage date; and general account information and information about any material standards, if any, related to material standards.

For the purpose of determining Your credit risk when You apply for any Product or Service, the Company may access and obtain from credit reference agencies personal information and account or records about You and Relevant Individuals (including information about the calculation of facilities/loans) stored by any credit reference agency in the relevant jurisdiction.

The Company and Relevant Individuals may from time to time also access personal information and account or records about You and Relevant Individuals (including information about security rights calculations) stored by credit reference agencies for the purpose of reviewing any of the following in relation to existing Products provided to You or third parties whose obligations are guaranteed by You: increasing the credit amount; tightening credit (including credit cancellation or reduction of credit amount); providing additional Products; or placing or implementing arrangement schemes related to You or any third party whose obligations are guaranteed by You.

The Company may also obtain credit reports about You from credit reference agencies when considering any application from You to register and upload a Product on our Site for subscription. In this case, if You want to access the credit report about You, the Company will provide You with the contact details of the relevant credit reference agency for You to obtain the report independently.

Use of Data by the Company

The Company will not disclose the data obtained from You to third parties outside the Company without prior consent from You, and all data that the Company will disclose will only be opened to employees or management of the Company who need to know the data for the purpose of maintaining or improving the services or facilities that we can provide through the site. However, the Company may disclose the data obtained by the Company from You for, or in the following cases:

The Company may disclose data that does not directly indicate Your identity to third parties, solely to improve the services or facilities that we can provide through the Site. For example, the Company may use data on how many times You download certain facilities and communicate it to third parties as a sample, without the Company mentioning Your name or providing any data that will directly indicate You.

The Company may disclose certain personal data from You to certain third parties if the Services or facilities You use through the Site require Your willingness to provide such data. For example, in providing reward or return services from Financing Recipients, You may be asked to mention Your identity, name, address, or other data for the purpose of providing a return from Financing Recipients, and therefore Your data will be disclosed to Financing Recipients.

The Company may also disclose all Your data if required by applicable law, or in the event the Company receives an order from the competent authority, including court decisions, which orders the Company to disclose the said data.

Access to Information

You have the right to request from us the Personal Data about You stored by the Company. If You want to access, update, change, or delete any information You have provided to us, contact us at for assistance. Each access request may incur a fee of [fee amount] to cover our costs in providing the information we have about You.

In exceptional circumstances, the Company may refuse Your access to Your Personal Data but will provide You with an explanation of the reasons preventing us from doing so based on applicable law. These exceptional circumstances include but are not limited to:

  1. The authority conducting the investigation or government agency objects to the fulfillment of customer requests by the Company;
  2. The information may, in the exercise of the Company’s reasonable discretion and/or assessment, affect the life or safety of an individual; and
  3. Data collected in connection with the investigation of contract violations, suspected fraudulent activities, or legal violations.

Right to Refuse the Use of Personal Data for Marketing Purposes

You have the right to request us not to process Your Personal Data for marketing purposes. We will notify You and seek Your consent before using Your Personal Data for that purpose or if we intend to disclose Your Personal Data to any third party for that purpose. You can exercise Your right to refuse such processing by checking the relevant box on the form we use to collect Your data. Even after You have given Your consent for Personal Data to be used for marketing purposes, You may withdraw Your consent at any time thereafter by contacting us at

Note Regarding Minors Under 18

You are not allowed to register an account on the Site unless You are 18 years of age or older. Minors under 18 years old are not eligible to participate.


You acknowledge that if You do not provide relevant information or data or withdraw Your consent concerning the collection, use, and/or disclosure of relevant information or data as described in the Privacy Policy, the Company may not be able to open or continue the User account, or create or provide or continue any Products and Services, or continue to allow You to use or access the Site, Site Content, Products, Services, or Interactive Services. The Company or the Company Group will notify You of the consequences of such withdrawal of consent if You inform us of Your desire to withdraw Your consent.

You warrant to the Company that if You or Your representative are responsible for providing any information or data relating to anyone to the Company, or providing any such information or data to the Company, You have notified and obtained consent from the relevant person(s) to allow the Company and/or the Company Group to collect, use, and/or disclose information relating to the relevant person(s) as described in this Privacy Policy.

You agree that You have obtained consent from all such Relevant Individuals so that any information or data of the Relevant Individuals can be processed, stored, transferred, or disclosed in and to any country as deemed appropriate by the Company in accordance with applicable law for Authorized Purposes. Such data may also be processed, stored, transferred, or disclosed following local laws and practices, rules, and regulations (including any requests based on regulations, government actions, and orders) in the relevant country/jurisdiction.

Under the Terms of Use, Cookie Policy, and [Master Agreement], and [Master Agreement], You agree that the Company may change and modify the provisions of this Privacy Policy from time to time, and that after notifying You of the amended Privacy Policy, the contents thereof will similarly change, vary, and supplement the Terms of Use, Cookie Policy, and [Master Agreement], agreements, and/or arrangements mentioned above. These changes will apply from the date specified in the amended Privacy Policy, and notwithstanding the foregoing, Your access/use or continued access/use of the Site, Site Content, Products, Services, and Interactive Services following such changes will also be deemed as Your acknowledgment and acceptance of those changes.

How to Contact Us

For additional information, or if You have questions about this policy or the privacy practices on the Site, please send Your questions or comments directly via email to You can also send questions or comments to the GandengTangan Headquarters, Komplek Golden Fatmawati A/35, Jl RS Fatmawati 15, Cilandak, Gandaria Selatan 12420, or phone/SMS/WhatsApp to +62 811-9691-503.


The Company reserves the right to change or modify these Terms at our discretion. We will, to the best and reasonable efforts, inform You of these changes by providing notice on the main page of our site or by updating the Effective Date on these Terms. We encourage You to be proactive in checking and monitoring the Terms available on our site to continuously and actively understand and be aware of these Terms.


We hereby declare and guarantee to You that we will comply with and carefully observe Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 19 of 2000 concerning Bank Secrecy and will not disclose Your Profile without consent except as required by court order, for investigation or inquiry purposes, or for tax purposes.